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minoxidil beard before and after

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//Have things to know before using Minoxidil for facial hairHave things to know before using Minoxidil for facial hair A recent eruption of news has raised a great interest among men in using minoxidil (brand name Rogaine) to grow facial hair. The stories have appeared in recent weeks in, and, among others. Although this latest increase in media coverage suggests that this is a new trend driven by the emotion of social networks, it has actually been bubbling for a further decade. For example, a story appeared a few years ago that profiled a business marketing minoxidil for use in the face. As a medical organization, we at Arocha Hair Restoration have serious reservations about people who use any medication beyond the purposes for which it is intended. We don't want to be lower, but this is a big part of why the United States is dealing with an opioid crisis. It may be dangerous to ignore instructions for any medication. Making it essentially makes you a guinea pig. Here's some advice: Don't be a guinea bunny. In the interest of sharing factual information with the community, we have compiled the following 10 things that you should know about minoxidil for facial hair. For those who lack facial hair but do not want to be a guinea bunny, Arocha Hair Restoration offers a proven method to accelerate the growth process of a beard: a. Like traditional hair transplant surgery, Dr. Wired can transplant your own natural hair to cheeks, side burns, mustache and/or goat areas to fill certain places where the hair grows very thin or not at all. After the procedure, you can expect transplanted hair to grow like natural facial hair, and can be shaved and cared as normal. Watch a video with Dr. Ride on this topic in .CategoriesFilesResultsPatientDr. Arocha's Upcoming EventsCustomer consultation3005 Huldy St. Houston, TX 77098 5452 Glen Lakes Dr. Suite 201 Dallas, TX 75231 13785 Research Blvd. Suite 125, Austin, TX 78750 401 East Sonterra Blvd. Suite 375, San Antonio TX 78258 Each patient who appears on our website is a Dr. Arocha. We are very appreciative of our great patients, who have volunteered to allow the use of their results before and after the photo to benefit you, the audience you see. Copyright © 2021 Arocha Hair Restoration " Hair Transplant Center tension

Minoxidil for Beard: Activate NEW Growth (scientificly tested) This post may contain. There is really no magic solution that you can. Except that there is one, and that is Minoxidil also known by the name of the brand Rogaine (Regaine in the UK) and many of its generic variants such as Kirkland, Equate, Tugain, etc. Minoxidil can and . It is almost matched with the effects of a but it costs hundreds of times less (which is making the transplant industry go crazy and try to fear men not to use it at all). I know how crazy it sounds – and how hard it is to believe the first time you hear it – but tens of thousands of men have completed the journey of Minoxidil's beard, and they grew some pretty impressive beards of . "I am intrigued, but skeptical, please tell me more?" I'm intrigued, but skeptical, please tell me more? "OK, so Minoxidil is the active ingredient in Rogaine, the Dermatologist #1 of the World recommended OTC (which is without prescription) hair loss medication. Millions of men have successfully used it to curb hair loss, and has been widely studied for their safety and effectiveness. Data clearly show that you can grow your hair again by activating inactive follicles through increased circulation and other mechanisms. As you can expect, some men eventually began to wonder if they could apply Rogaine to the face and grow facial hair as a result. The idea was ridiculed at first, and discussions about Minoxidil for beard growth were basically non-existent online a few years ago. The idea was ridiculed at first, and discussions about Minoxidil for beard growth were basically non-existent online a few years ago. However, now in 2020, it has been clearly established that Minoxidil works for beard growth. There are Facebook groups with more than fifty thousand members using the hair loss medicine in their beards, Reddit subcategories with nearly ten thousand men doing the same, and even a scientific study that concluded that Minoxidil is safe and effective for the beard enhancement. After the use of Rogaine for the growth of the beard is close in popularity, the narration of the nay-sayers changed from "it doesn't work" to claim that "the results are not permanent". However, thousands of boys have completed the journey of Minox beard, beards grown with him, then stopped using the hair loss medication and years later their beards are still in place – as explained in our ." So you can use Minoxidil on your face to grow a beard? " So can you use Minoxidil on your face to grow a beard? Short answer:Yes, and start applying it to your beard area twice a day 1 ml per application. In 3-12 months you should be able to grow a full beard. Long answer: For the longer answer, you will have to take some time and read our full article below, which explains... Ready to learn everything you need to know about how to use Rogaine to stimulate beard growth? Well, then keep reading down. IndexHow Minoxidil Growth Facial Hair Even after tens of years of research, the real reason Minoxidil is so effective in growth hair is not yet 100% clear. What is known are these facts: For years, the only evidence that suggested you could use Rogaine to make the face grow a beard was that there was. For years, the only evidence that suggested you could use Rogaine to grow a beard was that there was. That changed a few years ago when a group of researchers from Thailand decided to test a 3% Minoxidil solution against a placebo liquid in the beards of 48 test subjects.(). After the study period of 16 weeks, the researchers examined the test areas of 3 cm of each participant to see if there was any new beard growth that took place. The results showed that Minoxidil absolutely sharpened the growth of new facial hairs, without leaving any questions about whether or not it would be effective. And this was with a solution of 3%, while the Minoxidil that most boys use for beard growth purposes is even stronger; . "The exact mechanism of Minoxidil in promoting hair growth is not yet clear, but there are many hypotheses. In conclusion, the 3% Minoxidil lotion is effective and safe for the increase of the beard." – Dr. Ingprasert et al. Minoxidil's Beard Before After The popularity of applying Rogaine to the face has been shot in recent years, so much so that there are at least 50,000 men who already do it, and probably much more than that. Now, if something works or not for beard growth, it can be easily confirmed with a simple image before entry. All , , pills, etc always fail this step, as your snake oil solutions cannot produce a single credible photo before then. But in the case of Minoxidil, there are thousands of before-after without altering, showing exactly how effective it really is to stimulate the growth of the beard and even make men completely without beard become fully loaded gents. Side effects and safety After rigorous tests and multiple trials; Minoxidil has been considered safe enough for the FDA to make it available in the counter as a form of self-medication. This does not mean that it would be completely free of side effects, and although the use for beard is considered "use off the label" the side effects of Minoxidil beard are practically the same as when the medication is applied to the scalp. The side effects below are taken directly from the Rogaine package instructional brochure, with few exceptions that are compiled from known case studies and online reports. The side effects below are taken directly from the Rogaine package instructional brochure, with few exceptions that are compiled from known case studies and online reports. Common Side Effects Common side effects occur (according to McNeill Corporation) in 1 out of 10 users on average. Less common side effects Less common side effects occur on average in 1/100 users (according to manufacturer's safety studies). Serious side effects Serious side effects are very rare and occur on average at 1/1000 users, according to the prospect provided by the original Rogaine manufacturer. NOTE: If you experience any of these side effects by using Minoxidil to cultivate a beard, discontinue the use immediately and consult a medical expert. "Did you say that Minoxidil was safe, this sounds very dangerous to me?" Did you say that Minoxidil was safe, this sounds very dangerous to me? Well, it's safe enough to justify the state of OTC by FDA, but at the same time, like any drug, it has possible side effects. It is crucial to understand that of tens of thousands of men who use Minoxidil for beard growth, an extremely small percentage actually runs towards side effects that make them stop use. While not using too much of it or applying too often, your risk of side effects – is very small. But they're still possible, and understanding them is extremely important, so you know what to do if you find them. But they're still possible, and understanding them is extremely important, so you know what to do if you find them. How to use Minoxidil to grow a beardSo, Minoxidil and Rogaine can help you grow a beard, but how to apply exactly Minoxidil to the face, and where specifically? And how long should I be there? How often do you need to use it? And how much should you use on request? All these questions will be addressed below. First, let's see how to put it in your face... First, let's see how to put it in your face... How to apply Minoxidil to the face in 5 simple stepsStep #1 – Wash your face The first step to apply Minoxidil is simply wash your face. You can use only water or a soft face wash for this. Step #2 – Shake your face with a towel It has been shown in one that Minoxidil works best on a towel-tool face. To be clear, your face should not be dripping with water, but it should not be completely dry either. Step #3 – Apply Minoxidil where you want the beard to growSuck in 1ml of Minoxidil with the drip and start dripping all over the area where you would like to see facial hair grow. If you use the spray nozzle, take about 6-8 pumps for 1 ml. Foam users should apply approximately half hat. Step #4 – gently rub the Minoxidil throughout your beard area Once you have drip or sprayed the 1 ml of Minoxidil around your face, gently rub in your desired facial hair area with the drip or two fingers. You don't have to use much pressure at all, just make sure there is a thin layer in the areas of the skin that wants more facial hair on. Step #5 – Wash your hands carefully with soap You probably don't want your hair to grow on your fingers, so make sure you properly wash your hands with soap after applying Minoxidil to the beard. How many times a day should I use it? The most common recommendation is to apply Minoxidil to your beard twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening and not too much together. This is the official recommendation that is also the same for the use of scalp. The best results would come from applying it every 12 hours or so, but this can be unrealistic given that you need to sleep, work, and do a lot of other things that might not allow you to be applying Minoxidil on your face. That's why I recommend that you use it twice a day, whenever it's more convenient for you to do it. You can also use it once a day, and this will bring results, but the results will come slower than with twice a day of application. How much Minoxidil should I use on the beard? The recommended official amount is 2 ml per day divided into two doses, so 1 ml per application. Most of the Minoxidil bottles come with a drip cap, and these must have a line that indicates the mark of 1 ml. If you use the spray nozzle, the 1ml will be about 6-8 pumps, and for the foam, the recommendation is to use about half the lid. How long does Minoxidil need to be in the face? In one, it took four hours for 75% of the active ingredient to enter the hair follicles. Since the skin under the beard is much thinner, it is likely that the recommended 4 hours will result in about 100% being absorbed. After applying Minoxidil to the beard, wait about four hours before washing it or applying moisturizer/beard oil. After applying Minoxidil to the beard, wait about four hours before washing it or applying moisturizer/beard oil. How long does Minoxidil's beard take? Each man responds differently to Minoxidil and we all have different starting points. It is simply impossible to say precisely how long it will take to grow a beard with Minoxidil. However, since tens of thousands of men have already gone through the journey and have grown beards with things, we can give an approximate estimate of the ball park... In most cases, it will take anywhere between six months and two years of consistent Minoxidil applications to grow a full beard with Minoxidil. Obviously, if you already have some beard growth and your overall levels are on the top, then your results will come faster. If you don't have facial hair at all and your hormones are on the lower side, then it's likely to take more time for you to see the results. Men with Eastern Asian or Native American genes as well.Men with Eastern Asian or Native American genes as well. Is Minoxidil's beard really permanent? You may have seen some great media publishing their own Minoxidil beard stories recently, such as, , and . They all agree that Minoxidil works, but they also had beard transplant center workers to say that "the beard will fall once you stop using Minoxidil" in each of the articles. The curious thing is that there have been thousands of men who have grown full beards with Minoxidil, and then stopped using it for more than a year, and came back reporting that the beard is still there. So if Minoxidil's beard is indeed permanent, then why all these news says it will fall once it stops? So if Minoxidil's beard is indeed permanent, then why all these news says it will fall once it stops? Well, that's probably because they ask the question of people associated with hair and beard transplant centers. Of course, they want to prevent people from using it, because every beard that grows with Minoxidil is another lost customer for them. There's been so many people who have gone through the trip and stopped using Minox, and if they'd all be losing their beards, you can be sure they'd be talking about it. However, all we see are boys who used it to grow beards, waited long enough for the hairs to become thick and terminal, then stopped using, and their beards were hitting. The only cases in which someone reports that they lost some of the hairs are the people who used it for only a month or two and did not wait for them. The only cases in which someone reports that they lost some of the hairs are the people who used it for only a month or two and did not wait for them. What Minoxidil is best for beard growth? Minoxidil is, as is said many times for now, a hair loss medication. The original brand is called Rogaine (or Regaine in the UK) but there are also multiple generic brands such as Kirkland, Equate, Tugain, Foligain, Mintop, etc. Which one is the best choice for beard growth, and should be using liquid Minoxidil or foam? Let's examine. ↓What of these is the best choice for beard growth, and should be using liquid Minoxidil or foam? Let's examine. ↓Rogaine, Kirkland, Foligain, Equate, or Tugain? It doesn't happen a day that I won't get an email or comment by asking what specific Minoxidil brand is the most effective for beard growth ... And the answer is that it does not matter the brand you use because almost all of them use the same active ingredient (Minoxidil) in the same amounts (normally 5%) and dissolve in the same carrier agents (alcohol, propylene glycol, or aerosol foam). "You should use the minoxidil brand that is easier to get and the cheapest option for you in your current location. " You should use the minoxidil brand that is easier to get and the cheapest option for you in your current location." For kids living in the United States, Kirkland is almost always the best option (). If you live in the UK, it's the same, but much more expensive. In any other place in Europe, it is likely that the only thing you can find is Rogaine, which again, is exactly the same, only more expensive. NOTE: The only thing you need to look for is that the Minoxidil you purchase has no extra ingredient in it as azelaic acid or palmetto saw. They could work on the scalp, but not on the androgenic heir of the face. NOTE: The only thing you need to look for is that the Minoxidil you purchase has no extra ingredient in it as azelaic acid or palmetto saw. They could work on the scalp, but not on the androgenic heir of the face. Minoxidil liquid vs. Foam Minoxidil for Beard Anecdotically many say that liquid Minoxidil would be more effective for beard growth, but according to available research, both should be so effective. Minoxidil liquid is cheaper and is also easier to measure in the drip. If it's really more effective it's ready for debate. Foam Minoxidil, on the other hand, absorbs up to 5x faster and does not dry the skin so much as it does not have the propylene glycol in it. I recommend you start with liquid and see how you respond to it. If your skin becomes unbearably dry or cannot be bothered to wait for the 4-hour absorption time, then changing to the foam might be a good idea. I recommend you start with liquid and see how you respond to it. If your skin becomes unbearably dry or cannot be bothered to wait for the 4-hour absorption time, then changing to the foam might be a good idea. Where to buy Minoxidil for beard useMinoxidil is the most recommended Dermatologist on the hair loss medication. It's massively popular for that, which means there's no shortage of it. A quick summary of different options: You can find Rogaine in virtually all pharmacies on this planet, and in most of the great online retailers such as eBay or Amazon, you can find Rogaine, Kirkland, Equate, etc. Most generic brands are also available in stores such as Walmart and Target, even in some gas stations. If you want the strongest things like Mintop 12.5% Minoxidil or Tugain 10% Minoxidil, you will probably have to try to find them from India.(Please note that these may not be legal to import to your country). There is also a seller who sends the rarest brands of Minoxidil in the US and its UK warehouse (). I wouldn't recommend the Tugains and other strong things, most people get amazing results with little or no side effect with the cheap Kirkland 5% basic, so why risk it? My recommendation is . My recommendation is . How to make minoxidil more effective for beard growthIs there any way to accelerate the progress of Minoxidil's beard? I'm sure you do. The common sense things like making sure that you are not deficient in any key, sleeping well, exercising, and are some that all know... But the following are the best method to really overload the Minoxidil effects without any additional cost or time spent. ↓But the following are the best method to actually overload the effects of Minoxidil without any additional cost or time spent. ↓Minoxidil + Peppermint Oil for Beard Growth It is inevitable that Minoxidil dry your beard skin, and you will have to find a good moisturizer to combat this. One of the best ways to combine a moisturizer with some possible beard growth effects would be to make a 3% dilution of mint essential oil in a jojoba oil carrier. The easiest way to do this is to get a , fill that with jojoba oil () and then drop in about 18 drops of essential mint oil (). Then just use that as a moisturizing oil/beard after 4 hours of Minoxidil's absorption time has passed. Then just use that as a moisturizing oil/beard after 4 hours of Minoxidil's absorption time has passed. What makes PEO so good to ask? Well, there is one that showed that a 3% dilution of mint oil was more effective in growing hair than a 3% solution of Minoxidil, and it worked increasing the levels of hormone growth of the IGF-1 follicle of the hair. It is possible that in human beings through the same mechanism. It is possible that in human beings through the same mechanism. Minoxidil + Beard Roller, a perfect Combo? with a device called Derma Roller is another possible way to improve the effects of Minoxidil beard. You need to use a needle length roller from 0.5 to 0.75 mm, as this allows you to create micro-punctures that reach the skin epidermis. The perforation of the skin will not cause pain or scar tissue, but it will be enough to incite the body to a healing response, which means it will transport more fresh blood with hormones and nutrients directly in the beard area. This has been studied so far only with scalp hair, but in one it was found that Derma Roller + Minoxidil was significantly more effective in repunte hair than Minoxidil alone. I recommend and use personal. NOTE: When using the Roller Derma and Minoxidil in conjunction, always take a 24-hour break from Minoxidil after having micro-neceded the skin to prevent the systemic absorption of the medication. NOTE: When using the Roller Derma and Minoxidil in conjunction, always take a 24-hour break from Minoxidil after having micro-neceded the skin to prevent the systemic absorption of the medication. CarnitineL-Carnitine L-Tartrate (LCLT) is an amino acid that is best known as lipid conveyor in the body. There are two mechanisms that explain how you can help your beard grow faster, and make Minoxidil more effective in facial hair. You can buy an Amazon pure powder LCLT and then take about 2g per day orally dissolve ~1.2g in a full 60 ml bottle of liquid Minoxidil for topical use (bearer agents will help the carnitine to absorb directly into the follicles). You can buy an Amazon pure powder LCLT and then take about 2g per day orally dissolve ~1.2g in a full 60 ml bottle of liquid Minoxidil for topical use (bearer agents will help the carnitine to absorb directly into the follicles). FAQ How long do I need to use Minoxidil in my face? Most users report that there are only light velvet hairs that can be seen in the first 1-3 months, which then gradually begin to become darker and thicker terminal hairs. After 6-12 months of continuous use, most rogaine beard brothers report significant results, often complete the full faces of the hair. Can you shave while you're wearing Rogaine on your beard? You can, and you could make the app much more comfortable and less messy. However, you do not necessarily have to. There are people who shaved and did not, and both fields claiming good effects. Will facial hair be off if I stop applying Minoxidil/Rogaine? No. The new growth rate is slowly taken, and the diameter of the axis of the hair is slightly reduced, but almost all the new facial hair earned from Minoxidil will remain on your face for years after its discontinuating use. It seems that once the hair follicles and androgen receptors are activated correctly, the hormonal feedback loop keeps beard gains alive even without the inflow of more Minoxidil. In other words, the growth of Minoxidil's facial hair is probably permanent (that's why you should be careful to use it only on the points you really want the hair to grow!) How often do I have to use Minoxidil on my face to grow a beard? 1ml once a day is enough, but 1ml twice a day is better and it is likely to get faster results. Some users report putting in Minoxidil even three or up to four times a day, but since the medication was initially created to be a vasodilator, I would highly advise that you do not play with it and adhere to it 1-2 times a day. How long should you keep Minoxidil in your face? According to a scientific test, 75% or more of the Minoxidil will be absorbed in the hair follicle within 4 hours, this seems to be generally recommended as optimal time. Can I use Tugain 10% Minoxidil for beard? Many men who are desperate to make their beards thicker patches, seem to gravitate towards the Tugain 10% Minoxidil brand, which is twice as strong as normal brands Rogaine or Kirkland. Is he smart? Not in my opinion. The 5% solution should be sufficient to stimulate facial hair growth, and double the amount of active ingredient, it is also doubling the potential to get the above-mentioned Minoxidil side effects. Minox Beard Hall of Fame and Other Resources For the first time I heard about Minoxidil for beard growth about 6 years ago, and at that time there was hardly any information for his use of beard off the label. The only information you could find was incredibly inaccurate the forum messages here and there. Now, six years later, there is the , which was initiated by (the original pioneer of Minoxidil's beard). There are some great administrators in that group, such as Adam Siddals () and Sam Beckwith (). All these are amazing resources full of accurate information about the use of Minoxidil for facial hair growth, and they have even joined the . Minoxidil Beard InformationConclusion You can cultivate a beard with Minoxidil. It is possible, the effects are permanent, and thousands of men have already done so before you. There'll always be some nuts and people who claim that Minoxidil wouldn't work on facial hair or it would be crazy to rub Rogaine in your face. But there is simply too much evidence, both scientific and anecdote, that supports our cause, this matter is simply put; a work medicine to grow facial hair. So if you want the beard to grow up and understand the possible side effects and risks, and start the trip. You might also like Featured guidesBuyer guidesBusiness management Beard Resource (Organization) Ali Kuoppala (Sole Proppietor) Narhentie 5, 67800, Kokkola Keski-Pohjanmaa, Finland Dissemination of participants Beard Resource participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for websites to obtain advertising fees for advertising and linking to amazon.com and affiliated sites. 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